How we translated a 200+ page agency strategy document into inspired expression across dozens of touchpoints for a revered sparkling wine brand.
Napa, CA
Food and Beverage - Sparkling Wine
Focus: Internal, B2C
Mumm Napa had made a substantial investment in a refreshed brand strategy by a well-known Bay Area agency, but the resulting 200+ page document did not address how to activate that strategy. The team needed help translating the new position and pillars into both internal training materials and a wide range of external communication materials. In an ongoing engagement, Vitamin C has helped them transform dozens of touchpoints to bring the new strategy to life.

Brand Strategy
Refinement and development of brand pillars to make them actionable throughout the organization
Brand Activation
Development of voice/tone guidelines and recommendations for carrying brand strategy through physical and digital brand touchpoints
Mockup and content for official brand guidelines and product catalog
Brand Expression - External
Content development to fully express the new brand strategy in label "romance" copy, tour script, winery signage, tasting menus, newsletters, wine club collateral and emails, job descriptions
Brand Expression - Internal
Conceptualization and development of pocket reference guide, hospitality handbook, and product catalog for winery staff
Editorial and brand review of all blog content created by external agency
Ongoing content development for brand manifesto, club newsletter, email outreach, and other brand touchpoints

One of the first projects we tackled was a pocket reference for winery hospitality staff. As we worked through what content to include, the need for a completely revamped product catalog and a master wine reference became clear, so we conceptualized and created them. We structured them around the four pillars (relaxed elegance, heritage, hand-crafted, and versatility) to completely transform the way the staff talked about the wines, shifting the focus from traditional food pairings and technical details to memorable storytelling nuggets and spontaneous occasions for enjoying the wines.
These tools have become invaluable resources and have helped eliminate inconsistencies and errors across Mumm Napa's print and digital materials.

We developed a new brand manifesto for Mumm Napa, and couldn't resist styling it like a champagne flute.


Origin (Brand guidelines)
FINE (Blog content)